2021 RULES




In this Rule book, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings;

“Applicant”  shall  refer  to  all  who  seek  to  be  engaged  as  dealers  of  the company.

“Company” shall refer to “Lilong International Nigeria Limited”

“Dealer(s)” refers to individuals engaged by the company to trade or distribute the company’s products.

“Market leaders” refers to dealers at the level of manager or above.

“Phishing” refers to the act of circumventing security with an alias. “Rules” means the “Business Rules For Dealers.

“Serious mark-down sale” refers to the act of selling the company’s products lower than the uniform retail price in batches or providing products to channels of a mark-down  sale. A mark-down may be  effected  directly  on  the price offered or indirectly through the provision of rebates, discounts or other value passed  to  the  buyer  which  did  not  come  from  the  company  through  its established reward system.


1.   Eligibility for Application

1.1.     Citizen of Nigeria with full capacity to contract.

1.2.     Exclusion from Membership

Regular employees of the company and their immediate family members are excluded.

1.3.     Requirements for Application

All dealers shall be engaged directly by the company at the absolute discretion of those detailed by the company for this purpose.

1.4.     All Applicants shall personally submit their application and provide a

valid means of identification (Driver’s license, International passport or Voter’s card).


1.5.     Prohibition on Phishing

It is prohibited to apply for dealership by using the name of another person or borrowing the identification of another person or through any other means aimed at concealing the identity of the real applicant.

1.5.1.         If an applicant obtains dealership by providing false information,

or  does  not  meet  the  company’s  requirements,  the  Company reserves the right to cancel such dealership upon the discovery or even commence criminal prosecution.




2.  Term of Validity and Extension of Dealership

2.1.     The term of validity of dealership shall be One (1) year which shall be

renewed on the application of the dealer and at the discretion of the Company.

2.2.     Within the term of validity of the dealership, if the contract is renewed

according to the requirements set out by the company, the term of the contract shall be extended for another 12 months.

2.3.     The company shall reserve the right to reject an extension of the term of

a dealership and take further measures if a dealer commits any illegal actions, violates the laid down regulations of the company or harms the company’s interest during the term of the dealership.

3.  Termination and Re-application for Dealership

3.1.     If a dealer fails to meet the company’s requirements for the extension of

dealership upon the expiry of such dealership, the dealership shall stand


3.2.     A dealer who wishes to terminate his/her dealership shall apply to the

company to that effect Fifteen (15) days prior to the intended date of ending of the dealership.

3.2.1.        The date of termination shall be confirmed by the company on

receipt of the application. The dealer may re-apply for a new dealership Twelve (12) months after the date of termination of the dealership.

3.3.     If  a  dealer  violates  the  business  policies  set  by  the  company,  the

company shall be entitled to cancel the dealership.

3.3.1.        The dealer may re-apply for a new dealership Twelve (12) months

after the date of termination of the dealership by the company.




4.  Related Provisions on Applications made by a Couple

4.1.     Where  a  husband  and  wife  intend  to  apply  for  dealership  of  the

company, they shall apply together, or they shall apply for dealership in the same market rather than in different markets.

4.2.     If a married person intends to apply and is suitable for application for

dealership of the company upon meeting the company’s requirements and  the  dealership  is  granted,  his/her  spouse  shall  proceed  with  a procedure for inclusion in the dealership in a couple plan or apply for dealership in the same market after gaining the consent of the party who has already been granted the dealership.

5.  Privileges and Rights of Dealers

5.1.     A dealer shall receive a corresponding remuneration according to the

standards and conditions set by the company.

5.2.     A dealer shall purchase the company’s products at a preferential price

and promote the products at a uniform price and make profit.

5.3.      A dealer has the right to sell the company’s products and serve the


5.4.     A dealer has the right to enjoy the complete services provided by the

company and has the right to participate in various activities organized by the company.

5.5.     A dealer has the unfettered right to report to the company upon the

discovery that another dealer has violated extant laws, regulations or policies of the company, and is expected to do so upon suspicion that another dealer is aiming to harm the interests of the company and other dealers.

6.  Responsibilities and Obligations of a Dealer

6.1.     A dealer shall abide by these rules and regulations which have been put

into place.

6.2.     A dealer is expected to respect social and moral standards and to carry

out business activities while respectfully abiding by the principles of voluntariness, fairness, honesty and credibility.

6.3.     A dealer shall abide by the various business policies on dealers formed

by the company, as well as the revisions, changes and supplements thereof.

6.4.     A dealer shall ensure the authenticity and validity of personal identity

information and account information, and the dealer shall endeavor to keep such information confidential.

6.5.     A  dealer  shall  devotedly  introduce  and  recommend  the  company’s

products to customers, advocate rational consumption of the company’s products and maintain the rights and benefits of the customers.

6.6.     A dealer shall provide the customers with good and effective services

before, during and after sales.

6.7.     A dealer shall report market information and opinions of customers to

the company promptly.

6.8.     A dealer shall assume personal legal liability for any violation of laws or

breach of contract.

6.9.     Dealers at each level should carefully fulfill their corresponding duties

in  their  respective  department  and  shall  have  the  responsibility  to convey the latest information to dealers in the department promptly, and shall    assume    the    responsibility    for    training,    supervision    and management. In respect of the various problems and disputes which shall arise in the market, they are charged with the responsibility and obligation to assist in problem solving and shall work with the company to solve these various problems that shall arise.

6.10.   A dealer and his/her employees shall carefully learn and master related

data  of  the  company,  its  products  and  operation  systems.  When introducing and promoting the company, the dealer shall abide by the principles of honesty and credibility.

6.11.   A dealer  shall finish each work  assigned by the company  strictly in

accordance  with  the  company’s  regulations,  whose  work  contents include but are not limited to launching promotion activities for products and  brand,  providing  customers  with  services  such  as  information consultation and product price, and submitting a work report regularly.

6.12.    A dealer shall endeavor to build and enlarge a network of other dealers;

he shall encourage every such prospective dealer who so desires to register and it shall be his duly to train, support and supervise every dealer in his network and deal honestly and responsibly with them and resolve any dispute arising in his network.


Management of Dealership

7.  Data

7.1.     The company shall adopt a real-name system for processing data for the

purpose of accrediting dealers.

7.2.     The  dealer shall supply basic information which shall include name,

identity  card  number,  bank  account  number  and  contact  telephone number.A dealer’s identity card number will be used for the registration of a dealership.

7.3.     If the company in the course of processing data for accrediting dealers,

finds that two or more of the aforesaid basic information supplied are the same, they shall be considered as belonging to one dealer.

7.4.     The rights and interests of the dealership in 7.3 above, shall belong to

the  individual  who  provides  his/her  real  identity  information  to  the company after same is confirmed by the company.

7.5.     The company shall not intervene in any qualification disputes that arises

due to improper custody of personal information or entrusting another party to register the dealership.

7.6.     A dealer shall update any change of related information such as name,

address  and  phone  numbers  promptly.  Otherwise,  the  dealer  shall undertake the consequences of any inaccurate information.



8.  Qualification


8.1.     The qualification of a dealer shall be reviewed based on the information

corresponding  to  the  dealership  in  the  commendations,  incentives, travels and various meetings organized by the company.

8.2.     A visit to the company by a prospective dealer or prior communication

by  the  company  and  its  agents  does  not  automatically  qualify  a prospective dealer for dealership.

9.  Multiple Dealerships

9.1.     If a dealer develops business with multiple qualifications in different

markets  with  his/her  own  identity  or  using  the  identity  of  his/her immediate family or friends, the dealership registered at a later time in the system will be canceled, but no changes will be made to the dealer’s friends and relatives.

10. Effect of Withdrawal and Termination


10.1.   If a  dealership is  canceled  during its term  of validity,  or the  dealer

applies   for   withdrawal   from   the   dealership,   or   re-applies   for   a dealership within Twelve (12) months after the dealership is transferred

as described in Clause  10 above, the company shall have the right to cancel the newly registered dealership, but no changes will be made to the dealer’s market business relationship.

10.2.   Where the associates, friends and relatives of a dealer withdraw from the

dealership  due  to  circumstances  such  as  an  inability  to  continue  to operate or the cancelation of their dealership, their business relationship will remain unchanged.

11. Friends and Associates

The company shall not accept or resolve any complaint on any disputes that occur when  a prospective dealer makes choices of associates, friends  and relatives.

12. Market Promotion

12.1.   In carrying out business, a dealer shall be transparent about his/her

dealership in order not to mislead the customers.

12.2.   A dealer shall not carry out publicity, sales or recruitment in the name of

the company, a branch, an office, a national agent, a regional agent or any administrative post in the company without a written consent of the company.

12.3.   A  dealer  shall  not  promote  a  business  by  means  of  exaggeration,

misinterpretation or any improper means prohibited by the company.

12.4.   A dealer shall not distribute any information of operation policies without

the approval of the company, or falsely spread or publicize the various information  released  by  the  company  whether  they  are  expressly tagged as “confidential” or not.

Improper Attraction of Business

12.5.   A dealer shall not stop strangers to promote products or business among

them at the company’s business and service premises or other public functions.

12.6.   A dealer is prohibited (personally or by hiring others to do so) from

stopping passers-by to sell products to them or entering the dwelling or offices  of  others  without  consent  to  attract  customers  and  sell  and promote products and business.

12.7.   A dealer is forbidden to infringe, defame or undermine the reputation of

the company, the company’s employees, other companies, brands and workers in any form or at any occasions.

12.8.   In promoting the products, a dealer shall respect the rights of customers

to select on their own, rather than persuade or coerce the customer to purchase or order products in the name of a dealer.

12.9.   In promoting products and business, a dealer shall promote, introduce,

and demonstrate products strictly in accordance with the information

provided by the company rather than make any exaggerated, false or misleading publicity about the uses and performance of products.

12.9.1.     A dealer shall be personally liable if there is any legal dispute

because of the false information provided by the dealer.

13.Relationship with Competitors

13.1.   Without the express permission of the company, a dealer shall not accept

an  invitation  from  any  enterprise,  team  or  individual  that  competes against the company in terms of types of products and business patterns, to give a speech, lecture or to share an experience.

13.2.   Dealers must obtain consent from the company before engaging in any

activity  concerning  any  organization that  offers  similar products  and services  as  the  company  aside  from  or  in  combination  with  the company’s products and services.

13.3.   Within the term of validity of the dealership, a dealer shall not produce

or market any products that compete against the company’s products, neither shall a dealer take a part-time job or assume a position in a rival organization.

13.4.   A dealer and his/her immediate family members shall not publicize and

promote   the   products   or   businesses   of  rival   companies   or   any enterprises violating  the laws,  regulations  and  commercial  ethics  as applicable in Nigeria.

13.5.   A dealer and his/her immediate family members shall not use occasions

related to the company’s business resources and relations to promote, publicize and sell the products and businesses of other companies.



14. Prohibition on Hoarding/Unfair Business Practices

14.1.   A dealer shall not deliberately control or adjust performance. It is strictly

prohibited to hoard products for personal benefits, or force or tempt others to hoard products, or tempt others to make a loan for running the company’s business.

14.2.   It is prohibited to compete unfairly, interfere with the business of others,

or   scramble   for   the   market   resources   of   others.   Dealers   are consequently prohibited from recommending, persuading, or deceiving other marketing personnel or customers to purchase products in their own market as against the market of other dealers.

14.3.   A dealer shall not court the business of other dealers.

14.4.   A dealer shall not incite, induce or assist any person that is not qualified

to become a dealer of the company by concealing vital information or by other   inappropriate   methods   which   shall   be   determined   by   the company.

14.5.   A dealer shall not steal the passwords of other dealers or alter related

data  of  other  dealers  or  handle  the  affairs  of  other  dealers  without permission.

14.6.   The leader of a dealership shall not seek improper benefits with their

power or market leadership.

14.7.   A  dealer  shall  not  collect  any  extra  improper  charge  in  the  sale  of


14.8.   Products  shall  be  sold  at  the  prices  uniformly  determined  by  the

company.  It  is  prohibited  to  increase  the  price  of products  without permission. Dealers are prohibited from promoting and selling products at  a low price  or  in  the form  of a  disguised  discount  (including  the internet), themselves or through others.

14.9.   A dealer shall not sell the company’s products by changing the package,

re-packing, or adding a label. It is also prohibited to forge or counterfeit the company’s products or sell products beyond its shelf life.







Other Infractions



14.10. A dealer shall not have others carry out illegal activities on its behalf to avoid the related restrictions of the company.

14.11. A dealer shall not forge any documents related to the company or sign a contract in the name of the company.

14.12. A dealer shall not delay the submission of the order requests of dealers or  customers  in  the  market  the  dealer  belongs  to  and  shall  not misappropriate the payment for goods of dealers or customers.

14.13. A  dealer  shall  not  disturb  the  public  order  of  venues  such  as  the company’s offices, meetings, training and activities in any form, neither shall he/she disturb the normal business activities of the company, its employees and marketing staff in any form.

14.14. A  dealer  shall  also  not  seek  unjust  benefits  by  means  of  bribery, cajolement, coercion, threats, intimidation, or by interference with the safety of lives and property of members of the company.




15. Media and Publications

15.1.   Valid certificates such as business license and letter of authority shall be

hung at the business premises where products are sold.

15.2.   A dealer shall under no circumstances address the press on matters

involving  the  company’s  products  or  services  without  the  express permission of the company.

15.3.   A dealer shall not publish, play or issue any advertisement related to the

company or its products on the media without the express permission of the company.

15.4.   A  dealer  shall not release  any  information related to the  company’s

business policy or act in the name of the company on the internet to any individual or entity without the permission of the company.

15.5.   Sales aid Material Policy

15.5.1.     A dealer can only use sales aid materials such as texts, records

and images or devices designated by the company for business activities.

15.5.2.     A dealer shall assume all legal liabilities alone for the business

activities  launched  using  sales  aid  materials  or  devices  not approved by the company, while the company shall be entitled to claim for compensation for all losses incurred hereby.

15.5.3.     It is prohibited to exhibit, promote, sell and distribute any sales

aid  materials  or  devices  not  designated  or  approved  by  the company, particularly by making use of the company’s business relations or by hiring, enticing, assisting or indulging others to launch the aforesaid activities.


A   dealer   is   prohibited   from   personally   or   through   other organizations or individuals producing, publishing or distributing any  prints  and  audio-visual  materials  related  to  the  company (which  includes  but  are  not  limited  to  related  areas  of  the company such as products, business, marketing mode, corporate culture) without the permission of the company.


It is prohibited to sell and exhibit the company’s products on other websites, organizations or electronic business platforms without the authorization of the company.





16.Company’s Exemption From Liability in Private Arrangements

The company shall be exempted from any liability for all disputes which shall arise from any agreement reached by dealers in private.

17. Procedure on Transactions

17.1.   Before the conclusion of any transaction, the dealer shall introduce in

detail the company’s changing and refunding policy to the customers. After the transaction, the dealer shall provide a regular sales voucher to the customers.

17.2.   Before the conclusion of any transaction, a dealer shall correctly guide

the customers to order products properly rather than mislead, tempt, or cheat them to order products or order more than they need.

17.3.   A  dealer  shall  handle  the  change  and  refund  requests  of customers

strictly in accordance with the company’s policies and procedures.

17.4.    If customers reflect that they suffer physical, health or property harm in the use of the products, the dealer should ask them to stop using the products at once and report related conditions to the company in time and assist the company to handle it properly.


18.1.   To organize a meeting or launch a large-scale activity involving more

than Fifty (50) participants, a dealer shall apply to the company in line with the procedure allowed by the company.

18.2.   It is prohibited to hold any meeting without application. All meetings

shall be filed with the company following the procedure and cannot be convened until a written consent is obtained from the company.

18.3.   In trainings and meetings authorized or approved by the company, the

applicant takes full charge of the meeting’s management and ensures the legality and safety of the activities. The activities in these meetings shall be  free  of unapproved  contents,  and  persons  not  permitted  by  the company shall not be invited.

18.4.   A dealer shall convene a meeting based on its mode and file the meeting

with the company by referring to the corresponding filing procedure regarding  time,  location,  and  the  number  of  attendees,  contents, lecturer, charge and filing. Oral applications are not permitted.

18.5.   It is prohibited to convene any meeting, training and activities related to

the company’s business in any form or meetings and training related to the company’s products without approval.

18.6.    It is strictly prohibited to organize and hold any meeting related to the company’s business or products in the name of other individuals, teams, organizations, companies and public institutions.

18.7.   The    organizer    of    the    meetings    shall    assume    corresponding

responsibilities for any major organizational accident that occurs in the meetings or activities.

19. Market Leaders

19.1.   Market leaders shall consciously abide by the company’s regulations

and systems, maintain the market’s order with the company and assume responsibility    for    the    regulation,    management,    education,    and supervision  of  the  market,  to  effectively  reduce  violations  of  the regulations.

19.2.   Applicability of management responsibility and related issues:

19.2.1. 19.2.2.


The following provisions shall apply to market leaders;

Market leaders, Senior managers, Supervisors, Director and other management level dealers shall not commit any serious mark-

down sale.

19.3.   In  determining  the  accountability  of the  management,  the  following

measures shall be applied by the company;

19.3.1. A notice of criticism and publicity shall be circulated. 19.3.2.

                       The  person  in  charge  of  management  must  have  taken  the initiative to report the violation, which the company will have to confirm to either be true or false.


Upon   the   discovery   of   failure   to   fulfill   the   management responsibility   by   some   personnel   or   under   some   special circumstances,  the person  in  charge  of the  management  shall communicate with another dealer at the level of manager and above in the same market, confirm the assumption of management responsibility in a written form and file it with the company, which shall not be altered after the filing.


For other types of violations, the person in charge ofmanagement must have tried to educate the violator and persuade the violator to do better and must have failed, and therefore should file the report with the company promptly.


Where liability is found, any of the sanctions described in Clause 24 shall apply



20. Intellectual Property

20.1.   The official website, official subscription account or service account of

the company are the formal channels for the release of information.

20.2.   No individual or organization shall carry out the following without the

written consent of the company:

20.2.1.     Use the texts and designs identical or similar to the trademark,

trade name, business name and corporate logo of the company fully or partially.

20.2.2.     Apply for, register or hold any text, patent and pattern identical

or  similar  to  the  company  and  its  associated  companies  or

organizations’  trademarks,  trade  names,  business  names,  or corporate logos, domain names, website title, online store names, general   websites,   wireless   websites,   computer   application software,  mobile  application  software,  online  username  etc. without  seeking  and  gaining  the  necessary  approval.  of  the company in writing


Produce or sell products with identical or similar trademark or name, corporate logo or product package not provided by the company.


Use the name of the company and its associated companies and organizations in any form for producing and publishing materials such as texts, fine arts, photos, animation, music and videos, which include but are not limited to copying, transferring, distributing, spreading and setting an internet link.



where there has been an infraction of any of these rules, the company may employ any of the following provisions;

21.1.   The company shall examine any infraction so as to determine the level of


21.2.   If the family members or employees of a store or employees involved in

business  of the  store  have  committed  a violation,  the  head  or  legal representative  of  the  store  shall  assume  responsibility  for  such  a violation.

21.3.   For  any  violation  that  is  not  covered  in  the  list  of  “violations  and

applicable  punishment  levels”,   the   company   shall   determine   the applicable punishment level or other ways of punishment as the case shall be.

22. Procedure for Supervision and punishment

22.1.   If a dealer is suspected of violating the rules, the company will begin to

obtain evidence upon receiving a complaint, which includes but is not limited to written evidence, material evidence, audio-visual materials, various   media   materials,   testimony   of   witnesses,   statements   of concerned party, expert conclusion and investigation records.

22.2.   After fully investigating the activities of the dealer and analyzing the

obtained data, the company will only reach a punishment decision after going through a proper and effective procedure as determined by the company.

22.3.   When the company is investigating the activities of a dealer, the dealer

shall cooperate and shall not provide false materials and statements to mislead the company’s investigation.

22.3.1.     If the company fails to reach an investigation result or where it

seems difficult to identify the violation because the dealer refuses to  do what is required of him/her, the company will properly extend the investigation and evidence obtaining until related facts and results are clearly confirmed.

22.4.   If a dealer violates the rules, or the dealer’s behavior causes harm to the

product’s reputation, market harmony and the corporate image of the company, the company will ascertain the punishment for the responsible persons according to the punishment levels stated within as the case may be.

22.5.   In the pursuit of business, if a violator harms the company’s business and

compliance interests by violating related national laws, regulations and the business policy of the company, the company shall reserve the right to trace the accountability and claim compensation according to the law.

22.6.   For any physical injury or property loss caused by a dealer or a third

party, or any other reason that cannot be attributed to the company, the dealer shall assume the liability alone or ask the responsible party to compensate, while the company shall be exempted from any liability.

22.7.    If the unreasonable demands of the dealer have affected the company or incurred a loss to the company, the company shall be entitled to terminate its cooperation with the dealer and reserve the right to trace its legal liability and seek redress.

22.8.   When a dealer commits a violation, but the company did not trace its

accountability or failed to trace all its liabilities as the violation occurred, the company  shall reserve the right to trace its  accountability  again without incurring any liability.

23. Grievance Procedure and Filing of Complaints


23.1.   To file a complaint about a violation, a person shall submit written and

signed  complaint  materials,  attaching  any  relevant  corresponding evidence to the company within the time limit of the complaint.

23.2.   The company reserves the right to reject any compliant which does not

comply with the procedure in 23.1 above.

23.3.   For any violation of a dealer, the company shall reserve the right to trace

and handle the case and no time limit shall apply.

Time Limit

23.4.   A   complaint   shall   be   submitted   in   writing   to   the   company   for

investigating and handling of the case within Six (6) months after the violation occurs.

23.5.   If no complaint and request is brought to the company within Six (6)

months after the violation occurs, the company shall reserve the right to reject the overdue complaint.

23.6.   During the investigation of rules and execution of the punishment for a

violation, the company shall be entitled to take temporary measures or decisions  such  as  detention  of  labor  remuneration,  limiting  second purchase,  freezing  the  dealership,  or  cancelling  the  dealership,  or suspending promotion and commendation, limiting participation in the company’s activities or any other means as may be determined by the company.

23.7.   During the investigation of a violation, if the company took temporary

measures, the punishment decision after the investigation is finished can be executed from the earliest month in which the temporary measures were taken.

23.8.   In principle, the company shall endeavor to finish the investigation for

any accepted complaint within Three (3) months and reach a decision on how to handle the case.

24. Punishment levels and measures:

where it has been found that there has been a violation of any of these rules, any of the following provisions may apply;

24.1.   Written warning

24.2.   Withholding 50% of one week’s labor remuneration

24.3.   Withholding 50% of two successive weeks’ labor remuneration 24.4.   Withholding 50% of one month’s labor remuneration

24.5.   Withholding 50% of two successive months’ labor remuneration    24.6.   Withholding 50% of three successive months’ labor remuneration 24.7. Withholding 50% of four successive months’ labor remuneration     24.8. Withholding 50% of six successive months’ labor remuneration        24.9. Canceling the dealership

24.10. There shall be a notification in circulation

24.11. Temporary or Permanent cancellation of a second purchase.

24.12. Deduction of labour remuneration of the concerned dealer based on loss caused to the company.




25.Handling procedure and appeal

25.1.   The company will send an oral or written notification to the dealer who

is believed to have violated the rules and record the case.

25.2.   From the date when the notification is delivered, a justification period of

seven (7) days will be given to the concerned dealer. The dealer shall

provide  written  and  signed  appeal  materials  and  evidence  to  the company for a review within the deadline. Ifthe dealer has not submitted the related materials after seven (7) days, the dealer will be punished based on the evidence provided by the dealer and the investigation results of the company.

25.3.   The  company will make the final punishment  decision based  on the

source of reporting, the evidence available and materials obtained from the investigation of the company and the materials submitted by the dealer during the investigation.

25.3.1.      If the dealer cannot provide sufficient new evidence to overturn

the  original  punishment  decision,  the  company  will  refuse  to handle it.

25.3.2.     After the company reaches a decision, it will notify the concerned

dealer at once. The punishment will take effect from the date when the punishment notification is sent out.

25.4.   After the punishment notification takes effect, the punished dealer may

submit a written application for appeal to the company within Fifteen (15) days   after   the   notification   is   delivered   and   shall   submit   the corresponding new evidence to the company.

25.4.1.     The company may conduct another investigation and review on

the new evidence before reaching a decision to either keep, alter or   withdraw   the   original   punishment   or   conduct   another investigation. During the period of appeal, the execution of the original punishment shall not be suspended.

25.5.   The delivery methods of the notification include but are not limited to,

sending personally to the dealer, sending a fax, sending an email, or mailing to the default address stated in the materials filed by the dealer or  through  any  other  form  of  electronic  massaging  including  sms, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.

25.6.   A decision of the company shall be considered as delivered within Seven

(7) days after the email is sent.





26.1.   In   the   implementation   of  the   Business  Rules,   each   item   can   be

interpreted, or revised according to the market status, the needs and the requirements of national policies or other considerations.

26.2.   The  various  management  regulations  formulated  by  each  business

management   department   of  the   company   for   the   regulation   and management of the market are all useful supplements to the Business Rules, which share an equal legal force.

26.3.   Effective date: These Business Rules became effective on the …… day of

………… 2021.

26.4.   Wherever  the  original  regulations  of  the  company  conflict  with  the

Business  Rules,  the  latter  shall  prevail.  The  Business  Rules  shall  be considered as a contract between the company and dealers. Wherever there is any conflict with the Business Rules, the contract shall prevail.

26.5.   Channels of Disclosure: After it is disclosed on the bulletin board of the

management system, it shall be considered that all dealers are informed of it.

26.6.   The company reserves the right to interpret and revise the Business

Rules. With adequate notice to the dealers.                                                      DATED THE ……………………. DAY OF ………………………………., 2021
